
Cambodia's Pol Pot Regime ~ 1.5 Million Massacred ~

49 minutes 27 seconds -

Very informative documentary on the Khmer Rouge. Features Nuon Chea, former 2nd in command of the Khmer Rouge.

Also check out:
Vietnam and Cambodia- The Endless Tragedy of a People


Anonymous said...

Dear Oniazuma,

I am an investigator with the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, also known as the Khmer Rouge Tribunal. Could you please contact me off-blog to discuss the film you posted on "Cambodia's Pol Pot Regime ~ 1.5 Million Massacred"? I can be reached at etcheson@un.org.

Thanks. Craig Etcheson

Anonymous said...

Thank you for making this documentary available. I followed the link off youtube and am extremely glad I did. I have a great interest in modern Asian history and I wish that more people from the West had, too.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this video! Very good and knowledgeable! Thanks again!