
Are the Japanese actually Jewish? - Looking at the mysterious connections between Japan and Judaism

A very interesting and contested theory is that the Japanese are actually a part of the Lost Tribes of Israel. During the constant warfare and strife that engulfed Israel, 10 of the 12 Tribes of Israel dispersed into Asia and have since disappeared.

Israeli officials publicly acknowledge the mysterious similarities between Judaism and Japan. Recently, in March of 2007, Rabbi Avichail of the Israeli Investigative Body Amishav, which searches for descendants of the Lost Tribes, arrived in Japan. Although they only stayed for a short amount of time, the investigative body concluded that "There is no doubt that there is some kind of strong connection between Judaism and Japan. More research is needed to determine the details."

The connections are very interesting.

For example, the Japanese Shintoist Holy day is the Yamaboko Junko, or "Going atop the Mountain to lay to rest the Shrine". The day Noah's Ark rested atop Mount Ararat lies on the same day. The word "Essa", which is a carrying chant chanted by the holders of the Omikoshi, or portable shrine, is a word which really has no meaning in Japanese but means "Carry" in Hebrew.

One of Japan's largest festivals, the Gion Festival, is believed by many, including the Gion Festival officials, to be the same as Ancient Israel's Zion Festival. The month long festival is almost identical in each event, date, etc. The artwork depicted on the portable shrines in the festival are from ancient Japan, but are renderings of landscapes in the middle east - camels walking the desert, pyramids, Baghdad Palaces, and most surprising is a grand picture of Rebecca offering water to Isaac which is confirmed to be a rendition of Genesis 24 in the Old Testament.

For more in depth information, click here

These are only some of the mysterious connections...

Part 1

Part 2


Anonymous said...

they are similar in the fact that they both regard themselves as "special" apart from the rest of the world. also the same reason why a lot of countries like China and Iran are building up stockpiles of nukes to see that Japan will be sunk and Israel destroyed. the rest is total garbage.

Anonymous said...

Interesting question. The answer is "No"

Does that explain why there is an Orthodox Jewish guy driving round Omori in a bright yellow van covered in Hebrew??

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i love people from japan and people from israel.
israel is the holyland for all people.

Anonymous said...

just a thought: what if it was the other way around and the Jews came from Japan, what if it all started in Japan? It is a fact that many languages have similar words like in Japanese, like Mayan, Latin, Germanic and others. The written language is like the fire letters of hebrew and like sanskrit, what if it is all originated here i Japan? just a thought......

Anonymous said...

You have to take caution when reading peoples comments on a forum such as this. There are sick people who demonize or slander a group, and then falsely claim to be part of the group they are against. It's a common internet play, and you don't know when a poster is real.
Back to the real subject. In English, there is a book called the Oxford English Dictionary(OED). It contains the origins and original archaic meanings of all english words. Do they have a similar book for Japanese, or is Japanese like Hebrew where it's so old this is impossible(unlike "newer" English)?
I have always loved Japanese and Jews for the same reasons between the two. And that was very fascinating. If one assumes the population of Japan was smaller thousands of years ago, a small group of Jews sticking to their traditions may have had some effect that could've been inspired, if not adopted.

Anonymous said...

Jews and Japanese have had their DNA analyzed and there is no connection. My Jewish Y-DNA type originated in Egypt (E3b V12), and the haplotypes of most other Jews are mid-eastern as well, so there is no genetic connection.

Anonymous said...

I'm all for saying that I'm convinced, minus the fact that there has not been significant hard evidence on this matter. However, for the moment, I'm willing to give them the distinct possibility that there is something to this. Of course, I don't expect that Judaism survived exactly as it was in Japan, and in fact it is likely that is changed a bit as it migrated that direction. But, I still feel as if there is no denying that the connection exists, and I am all for believing this is true. Mind you, I have seen many possible "theories" in all sorts of documentaries and books, and this seems to be one of the few that actually has way too many coincidences to be nothing.

I'm not Jewish. The closest I can attest to is my Uncle and his family, and even before I was made aware of this possibility I wanted to research the connections between Hebrew and Japanese, because when I attended my cousin's Bat Mitzvah (pardon my spelling) I could have mistaken the language for Japanese if I wasn't listening closely. This theory simply affirms in my mind that there is a connection.

Actually, I would like to make a comment about the Japanese being open-minded and accepting culture of trusting people. I have to politely disagree, in as much that my experience with the Japanese people is the same courtesy they show to all strangers. I live near a Honda plant, and I have interacted with many Japanese people who, on closer acquaintance, are much less accepting of others and actually quite normal people with their own likes, dislikes and opinions. Many of the stereotypes of the Japanese and anyone else being different are clearly overblown. In fact, the Japanese so much as don't accept any and everything, but instead take what they like of different cultures and such and adapt it to fit into Japanese culture.

So, in the end, I think it entirely possible that there is something to this, if nothing else. Too many coincidences exist, at least to my standards, to refute this theory as rubish. And, this has nothing to do with the arguments of the Zionist, who have been said to twist the facts. While I want to do more personal, individual research at a critical level on the subject before making a final decision, I believe it foolish to say the Japanese think they are special, or the Jews think they are special, or any result of one side or the other. When it comes down to it, the reality is that we all know little to nothing about the matter, or only from one side, and I want to investigate the Japanese side of things more, because that seems to be where the more ambiguous information lies.

Peace to all.

Anonymous said...

at first, this theory was said before 1900..
book of ancient Japanese history(it was bublished in 1911)

some links
Israelites Came To Ancient Japan

The Iroha Syllabary


about hata

Anonymous said...

at first, this theory was said before 1900..
book of ancient Japanese history(it was bublished in 1911)



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Anonymous said...

Origin of YAP+ lineages of the human Y-chromosome
Am J Phys Anthropol. 2000 Jun;112(2):149-58. Related Articles, Links Click here to read Origin of YAP+ lineages of the human Y-chromosome. Bravi CM, Bailliet G, Martinez-Marignac VL, Bianchi NO. Multidisciplinary Institute of Cell Biology (IMBICE), 1900 La Plata, Argentina.

We screened a total of 841 Y-chromosomes representing 36 human populations of wide geographical distribution for the presence of a Y-specific Alu insert (YAP+ chromosomes). The Alu element was found in 77 cases. We tested 5 biallelic and 8 polyallelic markers in 70 out of the 77 YAP+ chromosomes. We could identify the existence of a hierarchical and chronological structuring of ancestral and derived YAP+ lineages, giving rise to 4 haplogroups, 14 subhaplogroups and 60 haplotypes. Moreover, we propose a monophyletic origin for each one of the YAP+ lineages. Out-of-Africa and out-of-Asia models have been suggested to explain the origin
In this article, only three asian group (japanese, tibetan, jew), african, and a few European have a genetic marker YAP+ on the non-recombining portion of Y-chromosomes. Tibetan (Central Asian): 1 out of 1 sample
Japanese: 4 out of 13 samples
Chinese: 0 out of 23 samples
Laotian: 0 of 7 samples
Cambodian: 0 out of 3 samples
South East Asians: 0 out of 16
samples South Asians: 0 out of 152
West Asians: Jews: 4 out of 18
samples Lebanese: 0 out of 2
samples Syrian: 0 out of 6 samples
Melanesian: 0 out of 2 samples
African: 37 out of 72 samples
European: 3 out of 68 samples

Anonymous said...

Multiple origins of Tibetan Y chromosomes.Qian Y, Qian B, Su B, Yu J, Ke Y, Chu Z, Shi L, Lu D, Chu J, Jin L.
Institute of Medical Biology, The Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan, China.

The genetic origin of Tibetans was investigated using Y chromosome markers. A total of three populations were studied, two from central Tibet speaking central Tibetan and one from Yunnan speaking Kham. Two dominant paternal lineages (>80%) were identified in all three populations with one possibly from central Asia (YAP+) and the other from east Asia (M122C). We conclude that Tibetan Y chromosomes may have been derived from two different gene pools, given the virtual absence of M122C in central Asia and YAP+ in east Asia, with drift an unlikely mechanism accounting for these observations.

PMID: 10830914 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Anonymous said...

Connections can be found between all freakin races in the world...

People promoting their so called "researches" about this kind of evidently delirious non-sens crap are probably retarded... or despicable fundamentalists trying to manipulate opinions...
See what I mean ?!

Not even worthy of attention if it's not for a good laugh.

Stay wise, skeptic and aware people...

Anonymous said...

Yes KB there is a genetic and historical connection between a segement of both the Japanese and Jewish populations. The genetic relationship pre-dates the genesis of both cultures, and is a genetic footprint of the original Africans in all of us. What a funny surprise it was for me to learn that I as an American of Okinawan descent had the same y-chromosome variant, (beachcomber yap+), as my American of Polish Jewish descent, (Cohen gene yap-), brother-in-law. Incidently, the historical connection is something that the U.S. is embarrassed about. The Japanese were developing a plan to save all the Jews from the holocaust as early as 1936, a plan in which the west refused to acknowledge and was later abadoned when the militarists took over Japan. Nevertheless, thousands of Lithuanian Jews were saved from the Holocaust due to a very moral Japanese diplomat in Lithuania by the name of Chine Sugihara and despite protests from the German Embassy in Japan, Japan refused deportation of these refugees instead granting them sanctuary until the end of WWII.

Anonymous said...

Xavier-Obviously all humans are descended from common ancestors. The point is that there is no connection within the timeframe that there was such a thing as a "Jew" or an "Okinawan." Your post was a pointless attempt to contradict mine.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this documentary.

What is proudly presented in this documentary as sensational new evidence is actually quite old.
These same ideas were already advocated by two pre-war Christian 'scholars' of common ancestry, Saeki Yoshiro and Oyabe Zen'ichiro.

They should be read as attempts to construct a distinctive Japanese national identity vis-à-vis the dominant West - identifying the self with the Jews (i.e.,'the Chosen People') was a strategy for empowerment of the Japanese. Hence the belief among some Japanese Christian groups that the Japanese are chosen by God to save the Jews from the corrupted West.

What is interesting is the new popularity of these old myths, despite the lack of any convincing scientific evidence. Apparently, Japanese are still struggling to create a distinctive collective identity - not surprising, perhaps, considering the discrepancy between the national myth of unity and homogeneity, and the reality of a divided, heterogeneous population. In such a situation, origin myths usually flourish.

oniazuma said...

Naw your wrong.
No one believes in this. Thats why its on a entertainment show.

Anonymous said...

'No one believes in this', you said...

Look further:



Anyway, apart from these religious groups, what makes you think people don't believe entertainment shows? Of course they do. Nothing is as 'real' as entertainment. Faith in fake, as Umberto Eco would say.

oniazuma said...

lol its called a crack pot theory they did this on PBS too. So as umberto whoever said, it means all americans believe in this as well. Feel the power of entertainment!!!!!!!! lol

Anonymous said...

KB the J2 Levant gene is present in the isolated population of Okinawa as a result of original trekkers which came out of the Levant. Jomon, Okinawans and Ainu are all genetic remnants of a pre-mainland Asia replacement. Your male line may be Egyptian and you may call yourself a Jew but genetically you are not a J-2 Cohen like many middle-easterners. You really need to read more, I suggest Oppenheimer's "The Real Eve". Again, most of the rest of the article is b.s. but don't jump to conclutions based on the prejudice of history. Science will set you free.

Anonymous said...

The Swastika is an ancient Buddhist and Jewish symbol that the Nazis attempted to steal.


Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Anonymous said...

PipMyTrade wrote

they are similar in the fact that they both regard themselves as "special" apart from the rest of the world. also the same reason why a lot of countries like China and Iran are building up stockpiles of nukes to see that Japan will be sunk and Israel destroyed. the rest is total garbage.

Every people and most everybody regards themselves as "special" and they have a right to do so. What countries do not have a right to do, is to wage aggressive War against other countries. You seem to think they do, or more specifically you seem to think the People's Republic of China and Iran have a right to do so. Germany had similar ideas during World War 2 and the supposedly thousand year Third Reich was not looking very healthy by 1945. China is a dictatorship and the reason they are antagonistic towards Japan, is that anti-Japanese sentiment serves as a useful tool to deflect criticism from the ruling dictatorship in China, by getting Chinese people angry with Japan. So basically, it seems to me you are saying it is okay for China to nuclear bomb Japanese cities, if that provides a handy distraction for the Chinese people from being angry with the the PRC dictatorship. A problem with your theory, is that the Japanese are unlikely to sit there passively and get nuked. As for the Iranian regime, I suppose too you are for murdering Iranian children, when they have had sex outside marriage. Furthermore,if you are not a Muslim, you must like Muslims a lot, so much so you want to be either ruled by them or murdered by them. The defacto position of the Iranian Government is that the whole planet belongs to Islam and anybody who disagrees with that should be killed.

China Great Leap Forward Mao Zedong 20 million Chinese murdered

If Mickey Mouse were a Muslim

Execution in Iran, 16 year old girl, Atefeh, Part 1 of 5

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

עב''א said...

the person who commented under the name Daniel Levy isn't Jewish. How could a Torah Jew claims he doesn't believe in Talmud?

"Daniel Levy, a Torah Jew, NOT a Zionist NOR a follower of the Talmud."

His claim is blatantly contradictory coz Torah to Orthodox Judaism means the Hebrew Bible (As Old Testament for the Xtians) as well as the Talmud

If he only believe in the Torah, he must be a Karaite but a Karaite never calls himself as Torah Jew...

coz the term Torah Jew only applies to the Orthodox Jewry who believe in Torah and Talmud (but they call it as Written Torah and Oral Torah respectively - hence the name Torah applies for both)

He's a typical anti Zionist who always misunderstands that Zionism is based on Talmud. Talmud is the most important part of Torah (As it explains the Written Torah) for Orthodox Judaism.

The Orthodox Jews who in majority that are against Zionists, they believe in Talmud. Instead, Zionism was started by atheis and secular who never believe in Talmud. LOL

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Anonymous said...

Japanese are Altaic-Austronesian-Siberian mix. Korean and Malay= japanese plus siberians like ainu people.not jewish, ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

About the language. Tower of babel, could've just been the scattering and confounding of language, makes sense to say it's simply because of language confusion that japanese language has some similarity with deviation.

Anonymous said...

Japanese is not the only language with similar meaning/pronunciations. Korean word for Dad and Mom, Appa and Umma,

Hebrew, Abba, and Imma.

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If the theory were true, you must have research Korean anthropology as well as history. That's why Japanese people are almost offsprings from Old Korean tribes.

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